Thursday, September 9, 2010

A world of books =))

This are the things a book could give you. Imagination, I once heard a character in a TV show say "It's like a TV in your head", well I actually agree. I've been reading books since I was a first year, I have actually encountered various books. Love story, Novels, Fiction, Best-sellers and books that were turned to movies and stuff. I remember when I was a little kid and the only thing I look forward in reading a book are the pictures in it. Anyway, imagination is one thing, a simple book could offer you. It opens your mind into a different kind of world. Color, well for me, reading a book simply adds a color to my life. Travel, how could I really travel with just a book? Well, simple for me, through your imagination, a book could bring you from one place to another. A book could actually help you journey to places you could never imagine. So, why don't you pick-up a book and start to read one now. :))

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